Tag Archives: macro

Jiminy Cricket!

I found this little critter on my last trip to Spain. i always ake sure to take my Macro lens with me when I go, I love hunting around for their weird and wonderful insects and plants. I managed to tak a few of him whilst he was happy sat on his leaf and a number of shots where he’d jumped off and I hadn’t even noticed. that was a fairly productive day for my camera and I. I can’t remember the last day i woke up and thought, “right, all I plan on doing today is to take a load of pictures”.

i guess a trip to Spain is what the Dr is trying to perscribe, a place where I can rest and not worry about the little problems that day to day life brings whilst back at home. I think I take better pictures when stress free too. i tend to worry less about people stairing at me with my big camera and lens and focus more on my surroundings and whats going on.

I’m in a place at the moment where there’s no one I can go with though. I like going off for a few hours on my own but would probably find it boring going over there on my own. So for now, my next trip to sapin is on hold. Could have done with some sun too!



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I’m no Nazi

Lost all hope in people today. So I’ll stick to a photo.

This is one of the first photos I took with my Macro 100mm lens. Soo as I got it I took it round to my nans garden (It’s much bigger and has a stronger variant of plant types and colours)

This is a particular favourite of mine as it combined two of my past times. I got to spend a few hours wandering around the garden lost in my own little world looking for visitors. There’s something relaxing about having nothing to do and a big open garden to do it in. No pressure, no time restraints, just nature. Many of times I  have found myself day dreaming in the summer sunshine with bird song in the back ground.

This little hover fly was a very easy model to work with. He landed right in front of me and gave me plenty of time to get a comfortable position and take the photo. I was just messing about with the camera at the time but I’m fairly pleased with the result.

I often wonder how simple life must be for him. Yes im sure he has pressures and fears like everybody but ow aware of them is he? It must be sch a simple life to just have to worry about getting food, reproducing and not being eaten yourself.

I thought about his before, why do animals have the instinct to reproduce? Why do they fight to death with other males of the species to ‘win’ the rights to mate with a female. Obviously, as a species they have to reproduce to survive an obviously, the stronger of the species is required to mate in order to strengthen the species but do they actually think that? Is that whats going through their head?

I think humans should have this basic natural behaviour too (It wouldn’t help me out much. I’m definitely not a stronger member of the species or the smartest, so my chances of mating if we did behave like this is kind of on a par with my chances at the moment). I don’t think animals have the capacity to think about the future past their current life time. I know some species prepare for the future of themselves and their little ones but it’s no the same. If we did this though, think what the possibilities for future humans. If the strongest mated with the smartest then future generations would get smarter and stronger. Instead People with money sleep with girls with big fake boobs.he sense in that? Where’s the evolutionary progress there? Ok I suppose most blokes who sleep with those kind of women don’t have reproduction on their mind. If come to the conclusion that humans are stupid, me included!

After proof reading this post – It has come to my attention that I may come across a bit Nazi-ish with the whole ‘ further the human race by pairing of the stronger / smarter individuals) I guess there’s a fine line between common sence, nature and insane phycoticness



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Old Mr Jelly Eyes

This little critter came from a small rock pool in Sligo, Ireland. I was in two minds whether to bring my new toy (Canon 100mm macro lens) It’s not the lightest of lens and I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, Water and Lens’ don’t mix well. Not to mention sand and an uneven surface. Visions of  slipping on a rock pool and falling head first into a rock pool, smashing my lens into 1000 pieces aswell as cutting my face beyond recognition entered my head. I enjoy taking macro shots and found it hard which one to write about. You can see other macro pictures I have taken here.

Besides all these negative factors, I decided to take it. The thought of getting a close up of a crab outweighed all the negatives. I use to love rock pooling and searching for crabs when I was younger. I could spend hours and hours hoping around the jagged rocks in Wales searching for anything that moved. It bought me back to my youth.

This little critter was barely bigger than my finger tip. I followed him for a while before he stood still long enough for me to take a few shots. I never even noticed his jelly eyes until I got home and uploaded the images! I definitely need to go back to the seaside and take some more macro shots.

Anyone know of any good rock pools???


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Posted by on November 8, 2011 in crabs, Ireland, macro, photography, sea side, sligo


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