Tag Archives: holiday

Jiminy Cricket!

I found this little critter on my last trip to Spain. i always ake sure to take my Macro lens with me when I go, I love hunting around for their weird and wonderful insects and plants. I managed to tak a few of him whilst he was happy sat on his leaf and a number of shots where he’d jumped off and I hadn’t even noticed. that was a fairly productive day for my camera and I. I can’t remember the last day i woke up and thought, “right, all I plan on doing today is to take a load of pictures”.

i guess a trip to Spain is what the Dr is trying to perscribe, a place where I can rest and not worry about the little problems that day to day life brings whilst back at home. I think I take better pictures when stress free too. i tend to worry less about people stairing at me with my big camera and lens and focus more on my surroundings and whats going on.

I’m in a place at the moment where there’s no one I can go with though. I like going off for a few hours on my own but would probably find it boring going over there on my own. So for now, my next trip to sapin is on hold. Could have done with some sun too!



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San Federico

Spain is a wonderful place. This was taken on a little beach down beside the Balcon De Europe in Nerja Costa Del Sol. The warmth of the sun has a calming effect on my mind and all but eradicates my anxiety problems. The sun also makes for excellent photography conditions. The more light there is, the easier it is to get the right settings to correctly expose the shot (I find anyway)

The boat above made the beach seem a  little less touristy and a little more rustic. I’d been searching the area for  natural photos of the area without anything touristy getting in the way. I find the authentic Spain much more appealing than that side of it. This was taken last time I visited Nerja. My nan has a villa there so I go as often as I can. Next time I think I’ll hire a car and adventure further in land to the less developed areas, I think I’ll find some interesting subjects there.

Spain is one of the first countries other than my home country that I have felt comfortable in visiting on my own. Part of this must be done to the fact that I’ve been many times before and know a little about the place and partly because I passed GCSE Spanish whilst at school. unfortunately I didn’t keep the language up after so I lost most of it. I can still form basic sentences and know a good amount of words to get by whilst there.

It occurred to me that I have bought most people who are close to me to Spain at some point during my life. I have plenty of happy memories from all these people whilst being with them in spain and look forward to having many more happy memories with people who I haven’t yet had to chance to go with.

As mentioned in one of my former blogs, Spain is one of the places I’d run away to to escape everything

Happy Viewing



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I love you Lucy Liu

6 places you want to go

Finally , an easy one. I want to go everywhere! I’ll narrow it down for you though.

1. Australia – I’ve always wanted to go to the opposite side of the world. I have some weird notion that I’ll fit in there better than I do here. of course I have another reason to visit now… Would be amazing to go and visit Jemma and see her again. I dream a lot about her and my image of where she lives. I know it has its down sides though. Huge spiders and snakes that can kill you just for looking at them for one thing. Not to mention the loooong flight. I’d like to go and spend some time with Urbie too. I miss her terribly.


2. Madagascar – always wanted to go there. The fact that they have species of animals that can’t be found anywhere else on earth amazes me. I’d love to spend a week there with a tent and my camera. Maybe a few security guards and some weapons too. Wild animals scare me! I guess I could tie this in along with Africa as technically it’s an island of Africa. I’d love to go on safari some day.


3. Every continent – Obviously I have been to a few continents, Europe for one, North America, Oh that’s it! I thought I’d been to more. I’d like to visit everyone before I die. the main reason for this is just so I can tick it off on my mental ‘to do’ list. I’d like to spend time on my own in each place too. Time to go where I want and take pictures. I don’t like taking pictures when I’m with other people. It’s a very personal thing for me.

I really want to visit Canada too. Looks really nice from what I’ve seen. The scenery and natural wildlife looks amazing. I love canoeing and kayaking too!


4. Road trip America – It would be awesome to take a good year or so and travel all around America in a RV. I love America and have seen a few places there now but I know there’s a lot more of it that I haven’t and would like to see. Problem is, I wouldn’t want to go it alone but at the same time, I don’t know who I’d want to go with!


5. Hawaii – It looks so relaxed over there, who wouldn’t want to spend some time chilling with girls in grass skirts and coconuts.. wink wink.

6. China / Japan / Thailand – I’m going to put these into a group as they’re all around the same kind of place. (I know there are thousands of miles between them but they look close on a map and the people look the same to me). I love the orient. The food is nice, the buildings are lovely over there and they’re so organised. I think I’d fit in there mentally. I’m a bit short too so that would help! I think there would be some great photo opportunities. ooh and asian girls look nice too (some times)




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Wild Onions

On to Chicago, One of my favorite cities in the world. We spent 3 days here. One of wich was a ‘free day’ where we had nothing planned and could go our separate ways and explore the city.

Before I tell you all about my time in the windy City, I’m going to share with you some facts…

Chicago got its nickname The Windy City as it is a political haven. It has been home to many influential politicians including Mr Obama himself. It is thought that all the hot air from these politicians gave birth to its nickname. The actual name Chicago however, is derived from the Native American word Shikaakwa, which means Wild onion. This is because Chicago was a boggy swamp land. ships use to carry trade from East America to West America along lake Michigan. A ship apparently became stuck in the shallow waters of the swampy land and some bloke (I forgot the name sorry) bought the rights to it. He started dumping his rubbish there as it was no good for anything else. He then started a business in allowing others to dump their rubbish there too. This quickly grew into a land mass and people started building on it. The city became huge as its port had links to the trade in the East. A large part of Chicago burnt down in 1871 and was rebuilt rapidly, America’s first skyscraper was built during this time.

Right, tourist facts over. AS Chicago is pretty built up. (It has the 4th busiest airport in the world) OK sorry no more I promise. We had to stay in a hostel rather than out tents. This wasn’t too bad as the hostel had been newly refurbished and was brilliant. It felt good to have a mattress and duvet. I was in awe of Chicago’s overhead train network. I’d seen things like it before in films and Playstation games but was different seeing it in real life, I had a bit of a geeky moment staring at the trains and platforms in the sky. We were in Chicago at the same time the World Taste festival was kicking about. We decided to go and see what this food fair had to offer, I tasted a genuine chicago Hot dog – If you ever get the chance, you have to try one, it was amazingly good. The weather was so hot and humid, I don’t think I’d ever lost so much of my body liquids due to sweat in my life. I had to carry a packet of tissues around with me just to wipe my face with. The sweat was pouring down into my eyes and stinging them. I was also continuously drinking bottles of water. I must have filed it up a dozen times alone from water fountains. Kerry, Dave and I went to see the Chicago Bean – A huge Jelly Bean shapped metal object in the middle of one of Chicago’s Parks. From the right angle, you could see the whole of Chicago’s skyline and yourself, pretty good for picture-taking. That night we tried an authentic Chicago deep dish pizza, they definitely know how to cook a pizza pie in that city! My mouth was so happy and my stomach was more than welcoming to the 3 large slices I had before I couldn’t even look at another slice. Neil and I decided to go bar hunting while the others chose to stay in their comfy beds. We found a quaint little bar. just like the one’s you see it the movies when a guy has had an argument with his mrs and stormed off for a drink by himself to contemplate life. We got into a long conversation with a Canadian bloke while drinking Long Island Ice Teas. The barmaid clearly didn’t quite understand that they are classed as cocktails as she served us them in pint glasses, I wasn’t complaining – they were strong as hell!

The next day we did a lot of touristy things. We went up Willis tower – the largest building in the western hemisphere. Once you get past a certain height in a building, it all feels the same. The view was good though and the ‘elevators’ were so fast that it took a good 5 seconds for my stomach to catch up to me once we reached the top. We popped into Chicago Zoo, just because it was free, I still don’t understand how Chicago can afford to keep a zoo open and animals fed while the UK has trouble collecting rubbish once a week. It was a nice zoo too, saw a polar bear for the first time in real life and ate a snow cone too.

I was amazed by Chicago, It had tall buildings and photogenic skyline, It had a beach without salt water as it is on a ‘coast’ of the very large river Michigan, it had a pier with a fun fair on it! oh and it also has a rather cool overhead train network, have I mentioned that yet??

The next night we all went on a cycle tour of the City, this was really good fun. It had been a while since I had been on a bike and felt good to be cycling along with the wind in my face on the hot evening. this is also where I got most of my Chicago facts from, so you have the tour operator to thank for that. We cycled for about 6 miles, stopping every now and again while we were told about an interesting part of the city. It all added to the magic of the place. After the bike tour, we headed over to Navy pear to watch the fourth of July fireworks. We all sat around on the grass with our heads up to the sky. Jemma sat in between my legs with my arms wrapped around her and her head resting on my chest. I could have sat like that for hours, was so relaxing and comfortable.

Chicago is definitely a place I will have to go back to at some point. I could have spent two weeks there alone with all the things there is to do. But we were all packed up and moving out to Ohio, home of Cedar Point Amusement Park!!!



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